"Because there has been so much speculation...innuendo, outuendo..."
Friday, December 4, 2009
Remember That Time...?: Dianne Pilkington
Remember that time when Dianne Pilkington was doing one of her first performances as Glinda and she accidentally threw the wand out into the audience during "Popular"?
Haha, Dianne's such a klutz when it comes to wands! She's hit herself in the face with it a fair few times, too. And she broke it once, she was playing with the little bit on the end with her mouth and it just... fell off.
We are currently searching for people who would like to complete a fan interview - who their favorites are in the show, who has the best chemistry in the show, etc. To be eligible, you must have seen at least three different Elphabas and three different Glindas.
If you do this before February 10, 2010, you will be entered into a drawing for a $30 Ticketmaster.com or Playbillstore.com giftcard - your choice!
To enter, email Isaac at iwevans@bellsouth.net.
Blog Basics
If you need to contact Isaac (the author), please do so at iwevans@bellsouth.net. I will always welcome your suggestions, compliments, and constructive criticism.
A Few Explanations on Types of Articles Remember That Time...? Articles prefaced with this header are usually short, two to five line articles that are simply a funny, amazing, or memorable recollection from "Wicked". I am always welcome to suggestions for these: just shoot me an e-mail (iwevans@bellsouth.net).
Is it True? Articles prefaced with this header are gossip that may be founded or unfounded. In either case, it will be made clear which type it will be. This gossip usually will pertain to casting; it will not relate to actors/actresses' personal lives.
Editorial Simply an article with my opinion on an issue or question within the "Wicked" world. I am always welcome to suggestions for these: just shoot me an e-mail (iwevans@bellsouth.net).
Exploring Oz These will be basics and/or expository articles about the show; they may just be fun trivia or articles that would be useful for someone who does not know much about the show.
Haha, Dianne's such a klutz when it comes to wands! She's hit herself in the face with it a fair few times, too. And she broke it once, she was playing with the little bit on the end with her mouth and it just... fell off.