Who is your favorite Elphaba and why?
Kristy Cates-it is said one always loves one's first Elphaba, and I am no exception. Her singing is amazingly strong and her acting is so entertaining. She conveys mood so easily in her expressions and all of her body language.
Stacie Morgain Lewis-she of course looks likes the perfect Glinda to me, being so petite and perfect, but one cannot ignore her beautiful singing and I always felt like she portrayed Glinda as someone who sincerely wanted to be good and was devastated to find it wasn't as simple as it seemed.
Which Elphie/Glinda pair do you think has the best chemistry?
Which Elphie/Glinda pair do you think has the best chemistry?
Kristy [Cates]/Stacie [Morgain Lewis] and Victoria [Matlock]/Christina [DeCicco].
What other standouts have you seen in other principal roles? What about ensemble?
What other standouts have you seen in other principal roles? What about ensemble?
Cliffton Hall as Fiyero, DeeDee Magno Hall and Summer Naomi Smart as Nessa, Telly Leung as Boq, Gene Weygandt as the Wizard, Rondi Reed as Madame Morrible, Steve Ewing as Chistery. Ensemble favorites: Mindy Reid, Jeremy Duvall, Sunny Yokohama, Casey Quinn, and Don Richard!
Who are some standout understudies you have seen?
Who are some standout understudies you have seen?
Zach Hanna as Boq, Donna Vivino before she was lead Elphaba, and Coleen Sexton as Elphaba.
Who is the nicest person you have met at the stagedoor?
Who is the nicest person you have met at the stagedoor?
I couldn't choose one, I've had so many great experiences! Kristy Cates, Brad Weinstock, Jeremy Duvall, Steve Ewing, Summer Naomi Smart, and Cliffton and DeeDee Hall, and I'm sure several others I'm forgetting right now!
What was your favorite time seeing the show?
What was your favorite time seeing the show?
Probably the second time...I had seen it the first time in Chicago from the balcony and the next night we won front-row lotto seats and Kristy/Stacie up close just dazzled me!
Other than Wicked, what are some of your favorite shows?
Other than Wicked, what are some of your favorite shows?
I don't live in a major theatre area, so I haven't seen many of these, but I like Chess, Evita, Dirty Rotten Scoundrels, Nunsense, Joseph, The Marvelous Wonderettes, and my most recent CD purchase was Gutenberg! the Musical.
Which "Wicked" alumni/current cast member's work outside of "Wicked" do you admire most?
Stephanie J. Block, who I got to see in Pirate Queen, and Kristy Cates, who I got to see in Unbeatable!Which "Wicked" alumni/current cast member's work outside of "Wicked" do you admire most?
PHOTO: Patricia and a friend with Cliffton Hall & DeeDee Magno Hall. She is second from the left.
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